1. From Hutch homepage, click Workflows from the left hand menu.
  2. From the Workflows page, click + Create workflow
  3. Select your trigger from the drop down, a trigger starts the workflow.
Workflow Step
  1. Click add check to set up your conditions.
  2. Click add condition. The conditions are what must be checked and met for your workflow to run.
Workflow Step
  1. You need to select a variable, then a condition and then a value.
Workflow Step
  1. You can continue to add checks and toggle between AND and OR.
  2. When you are happy with the conditions you will click add action
  3. Then select the action you want, if your conditions are met.
Workflow Step
  1. Now just name your workflow on the top right
  2. Turn on the workflow with the toggle on the top right.
  3. Finally save workflow top right.