This action supports embedded variables, so any of the below variables can be referenced using brackets, e.g. {order.reference}. When the workflow runs, these placeholders will be replaced with the actual value.

order.idThe Hutch internal Order ID
order.aftercare_linkThe orders Aftercare link
order.referenceThe reference used in Hutch dashboards, e.g 102454
order.channelThe channel which the order was created via, e.g. Shopify
order.channel_idThe ID of the order on the channel it originated from, e.g. the Shopify Order ID
order.statusThe fulfilment status of the order, e.g. Shipped
order.shipping_address.line_oneThe first line of the address
order.shipping_address.line_twoThe second line of the address
order.shipping_address.cityThe city line of the address, e.g. London
order.shipping_address.countryThe country line of the address, e.g. United Kingdom
order.shipping_address.postcodeThe postcode for the address, e.g. HA7 1EE
order.shipping_address.nameThe name for the delivery, e.g. Serena Williams
order.shipping_address.first_nameThe first name for the delivery, e.g. Serena
order.shipping_address.companyThe company name for the delivery, e.g. Hutch Logistics Ltd
order.shipping_address.notesDelivery instructions provided by the customer
order.shipping_address.state_codeWhere applicable, the state code e.g. NY for New York
order.shipping_address.country_codeThe two letter ISO country code, e.g. GB
order.shipping_address.phone_numberThe phone number for use with the delivery
order.shipping_address.emailThe email address for use with the delivery
order.packaging_idThe packaging used for the order
order.number_of_unitsThe number of units in the order (excluding addons)
order.shipping_methodThe shipping method selected to deliver the order
order.blocked_reasonThe reason the order is on hold, e.g. InventoryUnavailable
order.customs_valueThe customs value for the order
order.weightThe weight of the order in grams