You have selected your trigger point, now you need to decide what conditions need to be met to achieve your outcome.

Workflows will only run if your conditions are met.

Checks are essentially doing exactly that; checking all the variables and seeing what orders to add your workflow insructions to.

Examples of variables: (This is not an exhaustive list)

  • Order / ID: The Hutch internal Order ID

  • Order /  Aftercare link: The orders Aftercare link

  • Order / Reference:  The reference used in Hutch dashboards e.g 102454

  • Order / Channel: The channel where the order was created via e.g. Shopify

  • Order / Channel ID: The ID of the order on the channel it originated from e.g Shopify Order ID

  • Order / Channel Tags: The tags the order had on the channel it originated from. E.g. Shopify order tags

  • Order / Status: The fulfilment status of the order e.g. Shipped

  • Order / Shipping Address / Line one: The first line of the address

  • Issue / Reason: What was the reason for reporthing the issue

  • Issue / Repoted by: Who reported the issue

  • Issue / Products: Products that would need to be resent

Examples of checks:

Check to make sure the orders are from shopify (When we want to action something only to shopify orders)


Check the order country code is GB (When we want to action something only on GB orders)
